Thursday, December 27, 2007

Trying a new editing tool

I'm testing out ScribeFire, a FireFox extension, for blog editing.
  • Let's see if it does lists,
  • Styles
  • Colors
And how they come out on the blog itself. I'm also interested in how it does posting pictures and quotes like

ScribeFire works with most popular blogging applications -- including Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, LiveJournal, and Windows Live Spaces.
If your blogging application isn't on the list, chances are that you
can manually configure ScribeFire to work with it. This might take a
little bit of fiddling with the extension, and some knowledge of how
your blog software works.
Posting pictures is a problem. I'll see if I can edit this post when I work it out.

Powered by ScribeFire.

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