Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I haven't won the headline contest in forever, but loyal fans can remember when I was quoted

Wednesday One-Liners Get Paid Friday
Man looking at the Metronome clock: I think that's the national deficit.

--Union Square

Employee: Shit, I don't have no pennies. Tell Dunkin' Donuts they owe you nine cents!

--Dunkin' Donuts, Graham Ave

Girl: Non-profit groups are, like, so non-lucrative!

--Fulton St

Overheard by: Pants

Spastic kid: All I have to my name is a cigarette and two Sacagawea coins!

--Webster Hall

Overheard by: Jess Cohennnnn

JAP on cell: I had a nightmare last night that Mom canceled my credit card statement... I know! It was the worst -- like, I woke up sweating!


Overheard by: glamourcharm

Chick: 'Insufficient fare'?! What does that mean?

--7th Ave subway station

via Overheard in New York, Dec 20, 2006

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